Repressed Anger, Depression & Cancer

Repression is a defense mechanism in which the person is unable to remember or to be cognitively aware of disturbing wishes, feelings, thoughts, or experiences (American Psychological Association, 1987, p.394). According to George E. Vaillant’s (1992) classification, it is one of the neurotic defense mechanisms, because they “do not individually demonstrate strong relationships to symptoms…

Acting-out Your Anger is Self-Destructive

Acting-out is a defense mechanism in which the person acts without reflection or apparent regard for its negative consequences (DSM III, 1987 p.394). George E. Vaillant (1992) explains that it “involves the expression of feelings, wishes, or impulses in uncontrolled behaviour with apparent disregard for personal or social consequences” (p.253). Therefore it is the mode…

Is anger a sin?

There are accusations that “Christianity has frequently discounted anger describing it as part of our carnal nature and representative of human depravity” (Lester, 2003, p.2). It is a non-deniable reality that Christians generally tend to consider anger as a negative emotion. Even though Jesus himself has expressed his anger in public at different times; his…