Is anger a sin?

There are accusations that “Christianity has frequently discounted anger describing it as part of our carnal nature and representative of human depravity” (Lester, 2003, p.2). It is a non-deniable reality that Christians generally tend to consider anger as a negative emotion. Even though Jesus himself has expressed his anger in public at different times; his…

Not Just Fun

Humour, fun, playfulness and laughter usually contribute signifi cantly to the quality of life. They would enliven a community and help to relieve tensions for all involved. At times, funs cross the limits. People tease others for reasons like simple errors, foolish acts, walking style, mannerisms, physical appearance and talking pattern. Consciously or not such…

Black & White

It was in a pleasant evening, I met a charming young man. His wits and jokes easily made him the centre of attraction of that get-together. At a moment we had a group-selfie, but he notably withdrew from it. Later in a private dialogue, he opened up his mind. Actually, he doesn’t like taking his…